How to Cope and Manage Stress

Life becomes more difficult when your parent, friend, or sibling gets cancer. But there are things that can help you go through these hard times.


Roland Schäfli

Anne Jäkel

Nur Barlasakli


Coping Strategies

You may experience a range of emotions if your parent or sibling gets cancer. Some days will be pleasant, and things will appear to be as they once were. Other days may be more difficult. There is no correct way to feel. It may be difficult to express your emotions. You can ignore them in the hope that they will go away. Holding your emotions in might make it difficult to obtain the support you require.

Let’s look at some typical emotions and how to deal with them:

  • Afraid: It’s natural to be scared. Some of your concerns may be justified. Others may be based on events that will never occur. Some concerns may fade with time.
  • Angry: Anger frequently masks other sentiments that are more difficult to express. It’s difficult if having cancer in your family means you can’t do what you enjoy. Don’t let your rage fester.
  • Neglected: Your family’s priorities may be shifting. Make time to tell your parents how you feel and what you believe will help. Remember that you are valuable and cherished and that you deserve to feel that way, even if you aren’t getting as much attention right now.
  • Lonely: We will later look at several strategies that may help you manage changes in friendships. For the time being, try to remember that these sentiments will not endure forever.
  • Embarrassed: Many teenagers who were embarrassed about having a cancer-stricken family member believe it gets easier to deal with time.
  • Guilty: You may feel guilty for enjoying fun when your sibling or parent is ill. This demonstrates how much you care about them. However, having fun does not imply that you are unconcerned. It is both acceptable and necessary for you to do things that make you happy.

Some teenagers want to be flawless and avoid causing problems. They want to protect their parents and not cause them any further stress. If you’re feeling this way, keep in mind that no one can be flawless all of the time. You require time to vent, be upset, and be pleased. Other teenagers may attract the wrong type of attention from the wrong people, which may be detrimental to them and their families in the long term.

Try to express your feelings to your parents or another trustworthy adult. It may be difficult to fathom right now, but if you allow yourself, you may grow as a person as a result of this experience. Some teenagers have discovered that having a cancer-stricken family member alters their perspective on life. Some claim that this experience helped them become stronger and more thankful over time.

Here are some coping strategies to assist you get through this difficult time:

  • Keep a diary to record your ideas. According to research, this works!
  • Join a support group to meet other kids who are going through similar experiences. Who knows, maybe you’ll get some useful advice.
  • Find a buddy that is an excellent listener and genuinely cares about you.
  • Speak with a teacher at your school. Consult with a counselor either inside or outside of school.

Managing Stress

You may be so focused on your cancer-stricken family member that you don’t consider your own needs, or if you do, they don’t seem relevant. However, they are! These suggestions have aided others in dealing with stress. Choose one or two activities to do each week:

  • Maintain social contacts. Participate in sports, clubs, or other things that you like.
  • Relax and get plenty of rest. Take a rest. You’ll have more energy and be in a better mood. Get at least 8 hours of sleep every night. You can pray or meditate. You can listen to music.
  • Assist others. Participate in a cancer walk. To raise funds, organize a charity event.
  • Avoid high-risk habits. Avoid smoking, drinking, and other dangerous activities.
  • Use your creativity. Keep a diary in which you may record your ideas and experiences. Draw, paint, or snap pictures. Read about those who have overcome adversity. Take inspiration from what they accomplished and who they were.
  • Eat and drink properly. Every day, drink lots of water. When you have the option, choose fresh fruit, whole-grain bread, and lean meats like chicken or turkey. Sugary meals should be avoided.
  • Take part in activities. Exercise can improve your mood. To lift your spirits, engage in some physical activity or go for a stroll. During challenging situations, it is natural to feel sad or “blue.” However, if these emotions linger for two weeks or more and you no longer like activities you used to enjoy, you may consider talking to your doctor.


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